Early in August, Procurement Services made enhancements to the Financial System for voucher payments to independent contractors. These enhancements are designed to protect the integrity of the contract and to ensure that payments align with the negotiated contract terms.
Payment requests (vouchers) for an independent contractor must have a valid contract control number entered on the voucher header.
A Contract Control Number is assigned when an agreement is routed through the Procurement Contract Portal for review and signature before the service begins or the commodity is delivered.
Every payment request (voucher) for an Independent Contractor is now reviewed to make sure that:
- There is a valid Contract Control Number.
- The Vendor ID on the contract matches the Vendor ID on the payment voucher.
- The sum of all vouchers using the specified Contract Control Number does not exceed the contract value amount.
- The voucher date is within180 days of the contract end date.
If the voucher does not pass all validation checkpoints, the system will display a notification giving the detailed reason. The department may need to make changes to the contract prior to payment being approved by Procurement Services.