Learning Resources

If you are looking for learning and training resources for financial processes and practices, you’ve come to the right place. The resources listed on this page are designed to support your role and help you, your department, college, division and the university maintain compliance with state and federal policies and laws.

New resources, including on-demand video tutorials, are added regularly.

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Asset ManagementManualProperty Tracking and Disposition ManualThis guide outlines the processes and procedures for for tracking and disposing of all university owned property (capital, non-capital and unused consumables) and for reporting any proceeds that result from the disposition of such property.
Transaction Reconciliation and TrackingVideoOMAR: How to Reconcile TransactionsThis video will go over the process for how to reconcile transactions in the Financial System using the Online Monthly Activity Reconciliation tool.
Transaction Reconciliation and TrackingVideoOMAR: How to Track TransactionsThis video will go over the process for how to track transactions in the Financial System using the Online Monthly Activity Reconciliation tool.
Transaction Reconciliation and TrackingVideoOMAR: How to Search TransactionsThis video goes over the process for how to search transactions in the Financial System using the Online Monthly Activity Reconciliation tool.
Identity TheftTrainingIdentity Theft Red Flags TrainingThe Red Flag and Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag Program) is required by the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule to detect the warning signs – or red flags – of identity theft in their day-to-day operations. Please contact university-controller@ncsu.edu to register for this training.
AccountingVideoPO Invoice UploadThis video includes step-by-step instructions for how to upload payment invoices related to a purchase order.
AccountingTrainingAccounting 101This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and concepts that govern the world of accounting.
AccountingManualFinance Basics GuideThis guide offers detailed accounting processes that are beneficial for those who are involved in accounting processes but have not received formal accounting training. Topics include: basic accounting principles, financial data reporting, small purchase vouchers, chart of accounts and more.
AccountingManualInternal Controls for Financial Data GuideThis guide provides an introduction to internal controls in the context of financial data. It explores the fundamental concepts and principles of internal controls and their importance for safeguarding assets, ensuring compliance and enhancing operational efficiency.
AccountingTrainingInternal Controls for Financial Data TrainingThis course will provide an introduction to internal controls in the context of financial data. It explores the fundamental concepts and principles of internal controls and their importance for safeguarding assets, ensuring compliance and enhancing operational efficiency. This course is one of three courses that are part of the Finance Professional 1 certification program. The other courses are: Accounting 101 and Journal Entry 101.
Asset ManagementManualAsset Management ManualThis manual has been developed to help departments understand asset management roles and procedures.
Asset ManagementManualAsset Inventory ManualThis manual is dedicated to providing the guidelines and instructions associated with conducting effective and accurate inventory of capital assets.
Asset ManagementTrainingAsset Management TrainingAsset Management Training is one of the requirements for gaining AM (Asset Management) Coordinator role. The second required course is Surplus Property Training. This course is also part of the Asset Management Professional certification program, which consists of: Asset Management Training Surplus Property Training Asset Inventory Training (optional)
Asset ManagementTrainingSurplus Property TrainingSurplus Property Training is one of the requirements for gaining AM (Asset Management) Coordinator role. The second required course to gain access to this role is Asset Management Training. This course is also part of the Asset Management Professional certification program, which consists of: Asset Management Training Surplus Property Training Asset Inventory Training (optional)
Asset ManagementTrainingAsset Inventory TrainingAsset Inventory Training is an optional course that is designed to support AM Coordinators in the annual inventory approval process. This course is also part of the Asset Management Professional certification program, which consists of: Asset Management Training Surplus Property Training Asset Inventory Training (optional)
Asset ManagementCertification ProgramAsset Management Professional The Asset Management Professional certification program is designed to support colleges and divisions in the proper management of university-owned assets and property. This program consists of: Asset Management Training Surplus Property Training Asset Inventory Training
Card ServicesVideoCard Services PlaylistThis video playlist includes tutorials for how to navigate the PCard center, how to initiate a PCard request, how to upload matching receipts and more.
Card ServicesTrainingFleet Card Training for CardholdersThis online course is part of the Fleet Card Training for Cardholders program. The course covers account management, card profiles, documentation requirements and a final assessment. Estimated completion time: 30 minutes.
Card ServicesTrainingPCard Training for CardholdersThis online course is part of the PCard Training for Cardholders required for first-time card applicants, reconcilers and statement approvers. The course covers an overview of the PCard Program, account management, card profiles, procurement guidelines, documentation requirements, compliance and resources. Estimated completion time: 1-2 hours.
Card ServicesTrainingPCard Training for ReconcilersThis online course is part of the PCard training for Reconcilers program. The course covers an introduction to reconciliation, transactions, statements and a final assessment. Estimated completion time: 1-2 hours.
Card ServicesManualFleet Card Manual for CardholdersThis manual has been developed to assist NC State cardholders, reconcilers and approvers with program details, including program benefits and eligibility, how to apply for a card, how to set up your account, roles and responsibilities, account management, card profiles, documentation requirements and deadlines.
Card ServicesManualFleet Card Manual for ReconcilersThis manual has been developed to assist NC State reconcilers with details about the NC State Fleet Card, account management, required training, reconciler tasks and resources.
Card ServicesManualPCard Manual for CardholdersThis manual has been developed to assist NC State employees who are responsible for purchasing goods and services for their department. An overview of the PCard Program, account management, card profiles, procurement guidelines, documentation requirements, compliance, resources and tutorials are outlines in this manual.
Card ServicesManualPCard Manual for Reconcilers This manual has been developed to assist NC State PCard Reconcilers with details about the NC State PCard, transactions, statements, resources and tutorials.
Card ServicesManualVirtual Payables Supplier ManualThis manual has been developed to assist NC State Suppliers in understanding the Virtual Payables Supplier program, which is the university’s preferred payment method for suppliers. Details about virtual payables, participation in virtual payables, payment process, payment schedule and program participation are outlined in this manual.
Card ServicesCertification ProgramPayments ProfessionalThe Payments Professional certification program is part of NC State’s Business Officer Academy and is designed to support NC State’s staff in everyday payment processes. Successful completion of the following courses, in the order they are listed below, is required for becoming a Payments Professional: PCard Training for Cardholders PCard Training for Reconcilers Fleet Card Training for Cardholders (optional)
Contract ReviewVideoContract Review PlaylistThis video playlist includes tutorials for how to submit a contract, check the status of a contract, search previously signed contracts and submit a contract amendment.
Contract ReviewVideoGifts, Grants and ContractsThis video goes over accounting for three types of funds commonly received at the university and its affiliated foundations – gifts, grants, and contracts. It is important to distinguish between these types of funds, as they have different requirements for proposals, acceptance, approval, and accounting. In this video, you will learn high-level distinguishing factors between gifts, grants and contracts.
Contract ReviewTrainingPurchasing 102This online course is part of the Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR) program. The course covers spending guidelines, charting expense accounts, decision-making processes, writing specifications, RFQ/IFB/RFP processes, best practices and more. Estimated completion time: 1-1.5 hours.
Contract ReviewManualProcurement Contract ManualThis manual has been developed to assist departments in understanding certain legal requirements and restrictions that affect their ability to accept certain contract terms. Contracts can take many forms; therefore, the review and execution of all university agreements must follow the appropriate university procedures outlined in this manual.
Gas CylindersManualGas Cylinder Services ManualThis manual provides NC State faculty and staff with details and guidance on purchasing industrial, medical and specialty gas (lab gas) and dry ice.
Interdepartmental TransactionsManualInterdepartmental Transactions ManualThe guidelines and instructions in this manual have been developed to assist departments and colleges in identifying the types of interdepartmental transaction entries used in the Financial System; determining which IDT entry to use depending on the transaction; creating, submitting, searching and and approving IDTs.
Journal EntryManualJournal Entry ManualThe guidelines and instructions in this manual have been developed to assist departments and colleges with the creating journal entries.
Procurement VideoMarketPlace PlaylistThe MarketPlace Playlist includes tutorials for navigating to the My Profile page, how to set up the My Profile page, how to create a MarketPlace order, how to enter a receiver, how to cancel a receiving report, how to create a standing order and how to edit a MarketPlace requisition.
ProcurementVideoProcurement Services PlaylistThe Procurement Services playlist includes tutorials for how to buy and receive, how to cancel a receiving report, how to create a non MarketPlace requisition and many other procurement topics.
Procurement TrainingMarketPlace TrainingThis online course is part of the MarketPlace Training required to become a Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR). The course covers how to purchase goods and services via the MarketPlace. Estimated completion time: 2 hours.
Procurement TrainingPurchasing 101This online course is part of the Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR) program. The course covers identifying the services offered by NC State’s Procurement Services, demonstrating a clear understanding of NC State’s purchasing processes and procedures, interpreting and applying the guidelines stated in the Purchasing Decision Chart and following the current order of procurement methodologies set forth by NC State University. Estimated completion time: 1.5-2 hours.
Procurement TrainingPurchasing 102This online course is part of the Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR) program. The course covers state spending guidelines, selecting the correct expense account for each purchase, being able to use the procurement services flow charts to follow the appropriate process for purchasing goods and services when these are not available through the MarketPlace, writing specifications for services, equipment, and software for purchases of $5,000 and above, submitting appropriate documentation for Request for Quotes (RFQs), Invitation for Bids (IFBs), and Request for Proposals (RFPs), bid packages and making award recommendations, submitting complete and accurate procurement contracts for review, administering procurement contracts in a timely manner and following the recommended best practices for advanced procurement processes. Estimated completion time: 1-1.5 hours.
ProcurementTrainingIT Procurement TrainingIT Procurement Training is an online course that is required to become a Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR). The other courses that are part of this certificate program are MarketPlace Training, Purchasing 101 and Purchasing 102.
ProcurementManualSolicitation Evaluation GuideThis guide was developed to assist evaluation committee members and evaluators in the competitive solicitation evaluation process.
Procurement ManualMarketPlace ManualThis manual has been developed to assist NC State departments in understanding the MarketPlace. It outlines details about MarketPlace access, shopping the MarketPlace page, placing an order, order approval workflow, order confirmation and tracking, receiving, returning and canceling an order, order history, MarketPlace resources, tutorials and best practices.
Procurement ManualPurchasing Manual: Introduction to ProcurementThis manual has been developed to assist NC State's Division of Purchase and Contract with an overview of the the regulations and purchasing policies set forth by the state of North Carolina. It outlines an introduction to purchasing, purchasing processes, purchasing guidelines, commodity-specific purchasing, contract review services, best practices, purchasing resources and tutorials.
Procurement ManualPurchasing Manual: Advanced Procurement PracticesThis manual has been developed to assist NC State employees in understanding spending guidelines, the chart of expense accounts, the decision-making process, writing specifications, the RFQ/IFB/RFP process, evaluating supplier bid requests, best practices, resources and tutorials.
Procurement ManualRequest for Proposals (RFPs) ManualThis manual has been developed to assist NC State's Procurement Services department in undertstanding the RFP process. An overview of the Requests for Proposals (RFPs), an introduction to RFPs, developing a RFP, the RFP evaluation committee, the RFP evaluation process and the RFP project timeline are outlined in this manual.
AccountingManualPO Invoice Processing GuideThis guide includes step-by-step instructions ad tutorials for how to upload and process for payment invoices related to a purchase order.
ProcurementManualIT Procurement GuideThis guide was developed to help NC State remain compliant with state and federal laws, contractual agreements, and campus policies, regulations and rules; to standardize the resources already in place at the university, which reduces the cost of implementation and support; and to speed up the review and approval process, making the procurement of IT more efficient.
ProcurementCertification ProgramCertified Departmental Purchasing RepresentativeThe Certified Departmental Purchasing Representative (CDPR) program is part of NC State’s Business Officer Academy and is designed to support NC State’s staff in their everyday procurement processes. Successful completion of the following courses, in the order they are listed below, is required for becoming a CDPR: MarketPlace Training Purchasing 101 IT Procurement Training Purchasing 102
Spending GuidelinesManualSpending GuidelinesThis guide has been developed to help employees become knowledgeable of the rules, regulations and precedents that have been put in place to ensure that wise spending decisions are made at all times.
Supplier Information ManagementManualSupplier Information Manual for CampusThis manual has been developed to assist departments in understanding the step-by-step instructions for how to research and initiate supplier invitations.
Transaction Reconciliation and TrackingManualOMAR Reconciliation and Tracking GuideThis guide outlines the why and they how of transaction reconciliation and tracking.
Spending GuidelinesManualConference and Meeting Expenses GuideThe Conference and Meeting Expenses Guide covers external conferences and employee training expenses, internal conferences and meeting expenses, virtual conferences and meeting expenses and forms and help documents.
TravelManualThe Travel ManualThis manual was developed to assist departments in understanding allowable expenses and reimbursements for travel while conducting official state business.
Asset ManagementVideoAsset Inventory PlaylistThis playlist includes tutorials for all processes related to asset inventory.
Asset ManagementVideoAsset Management PlaylistThis playlist includes tutorials for all processes related to asset management.
Asset ManagementVideoSurplus Property PlaylistThis playlist includes tutorials for processes related to submitting surplus requests.
Warehouse ServicesManualShipping and Receiving ManualThe manual has been developed to assist departments in understanding an overview of shipping and receiving. Shipping, receiving and redelivering goods are outlined in this manual.
Warehouse ServicesManualSurplus Property ManualThis manual has been developed to assist departments in understanding the process for properly disposing of assets through the university Surplus Property Office.
Warehouse ServicesManualUniversity Storage ManualThis manual has been developed to assist departments in understanding an overview of the university storage. An introduction to storage, the storage request process, storage billing, preparing items for storage and best practices are outlined in this manual.
WolfCopy/WolfPrint ServicesVideoWolfCopy/WolfPrint Services PlaylistThe WolfCopy/WolfPrint Services playlist includes tutorials for how to print/copy from your enhanced multi-functional device.
WolfCopy/WolfPrint ServicesManualWolfCopy Customer ManualThis manual was developed to assist departments in understanding the WolfCopy customer. WolfCopy provides Managed Print Services to NC State faculty, staff and students. An introduction to WolfCopy, rates and invoicing, repairs and service calls, device inventory and WolfCopy how-tos are outlined in this manual.
Year End PlanningManualYear End Planning GuideThe Office of Finance and Administration Principles of Work, Procurement Services and Card Services have teamed up to create this Year End Planning Guide, which is designed as an organizational tool that answers common questions about year end, why it is important, what needs to be done to prepare and what the year end deadlines are.
Supplier Information ManagementTrainingSupplier Information 101 Suppliers who wish to do business with NC State are required to register as a payee in PaymentWorks. This course was created to empower campus departments to support the vendors they engage with throughout the supplier onboarding process. The more campus initiators know about the supplier onboarding process and system, the quicker and smoother it will be for the vendor and the department.
DepositsManualDepartmental Deposits GuideThis guide goes over the policies, guidelines and processes for making departmental deposits.
Card ServicesManualPCard Manual for Statement ApproversThis manual was designed for PCard Statement Approvers (PSAs), who are responsible for auditing PCard statements for compliance standards and ensuring purchases align with the department’s mission. PSAs are also responsible for ensuring statements are approved before the deadline to prevent late statements. The PCard Statement Approver role requires the Financial System “Approve PCard Statements” role, which is assigned via a System Access Request (SAR) submitted by the department's SAR Administrator. To access the PSA role, the employee will be required to complete PCard Training for Cardholders, PCard Training for Reconcilers and PCard Training for Statement Approvers.
AccountingCertification ProgramFinance Professional 1The Finance Professional 1 certification program is part of NC State’s Business Officer Academy. This program is designed to support colleges and divisions in the proper recording of financial transactions and management of university-owned assets and property. Successful completion of the following courses is required to earn the certification: Accounting 101, Internal Controls for Financial Data and Journal Entry 101.
AccountingTrainingJournal Entry 101This course is designed for colleges and departments who create financial transactions in the Financial System, particularly those who create and approve journal entries. This course is one of three courses that are part of the Finance Professional 1 certification program. The other courses are: Accounting 101 and Internal Controls for Financial Data.