New Fleet Card Center

Written by Vicky Bradshaw and Sharon Loosman.

NC State has partnered with Wright Express (WEX) to provide a limited credit card program called the Fleet Card. NC State employees whose department or college has given authority to purchase fuel and minor vehicle repairs for NC State-owned vehicles are eligible to apply. Fleet Card transactions are exempt from North Carolina sales tax and federal excise tax.

The Card Application Process

Application for a Fleet Card is through the Fleet Card Center on MyPack Portal. Once the application is submitted, it will be routed to the college or division approver. Once approved, the application is routed to Procurement and Business Services for final processing. The Fleet Card is ordered and arrives within 10-14 business days. Once the card arrives, the cardholder is contacted and can begin using the card right away. All Fleet cardholders must complete online Fleet Card training on REPORTER and pass with a score of 80% or higher before receiving their card. WEX cards are accepted at all major gas retailers. Fuel can be purchased when the NC State owned vehicle is off campus. When on campus, fuel should be purchased from Motor Fleet Management.

Fleet Card Center Updates

During January 2024, the Fleet Card Center underwent a significant upgrade. Changes were made to improve the flow, and to match the functionality and look of the PCard Center.  The modernized Fleet Card Center contains enhancements for the cardholder and reconciler. The consistency between the two card centers allows the department card reconcilers to move more smoothly and quickly between them, increasing the number of receipt reviews, transaction compliance and card account security.

For the most updated instruction on Fleet Card operation, check out the updated Fleet Card Manual for Cardholders.