Use the following reports to maintain department compliance with purchasing policies and guidelines. These reports are available in the Queries & Reports Tile on the Financial System homepage.
All POs by Department
- Audience: Business Officers or Accounting Technicians
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all POs for a specific Department ID with a date prompt that gives flexibility in reviewing a month, six months, a year, etc. It includes detailed information down to the line level and differentiates between MarketPlace and Non-MarketPlace spend.
Open POs with Encumbrances
- Audience: Business Officers or Accounting Technicians
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all POs for a 2-, 4- or 6-digit Department ID. It includes detailed information at the header level of the PO including PO ID, PO date, PO expiration date, PO type, PO status, supplier name, original PO amount and current encumbrance amount.
Supplier Payments by Department
- Audience: Business Officers or Accounting Technicians
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all PO and non-PO payments for a specific department ID with a date prompt that gives flexibility in reviewing a month, six months, a year, etc. The list includes the Supplier ID, the PW connection status, last activity date, the supplier name, address sequence number, address, total spend and initiating 6-digit Department IDs.
MP POs Part Paid Not Recv’d
- Audience: Business Officers
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all MarketPlace POs that have had at least one payment (partial) against them but have not had any receivers entered.
MP POs Paid, Not Fully Recv’d
- Audience: Business Officers
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all MarketPlace POs that have been fully paid but the end user has not completed the receiving report required to close out the PO.
FedEx Charges by Dept ID
- Audience: Business Officers and Accounting Technicians
- Security Required: None
- Description of Report: Provides a listing of all MarketPlace FedEx charges by 2-, 4- or 6-digit Department ID. The listing includes the transaction number, the billing date, the transaction date, the FedEx tracking number, the 6-digit department ID, the 6-digit department name, the Project ID, the GL account code and the amount.
My Cards to Reconcile
- Audience: PCard Reconcilers
- Security Required: PCard Reconciler Role in SAR
- Description of Report: Displays a listing of all active and on-hold PCards that you are currently a reconciler for and includes data elements such as default Project ID, spending limits, spend groups, supervisor and PCard Statement Approvers for each card.
My Cardholder Statements
- Audience: PCard Reconcilers
- Security Required: PCard Reconciler Role in SAR
- Description of Report: Requires a billing date to be entered and will display any statement not yet submitted for that billing period, if one is required. If no statement is needed, it will not be displayed in the report. Additionally, it will reflect how many transactions were on the statement, how many have images, how many do not have images, what step is pending in the process and who are the approvers for that step.
PCards by Dept ID
- Audience: Business Officers
- Security Required: Approve Credit Card Requests Role in SAR
- Description of Report: Allows viewing a listing of all active and on-hold cards by 2-, 4- or 6-digit Department ID that you have OUC security for with the role PCard Approver. It will include data elements such as default Project ID, spending limits, spend groups, supervisor and statement approvers for the card.
Statement Status by Dept
- Audience: Business Officers
- Security Required: Approve Credit Card Requests Role in SAR
- Description of Report: Allows you to view a listing of all statements not yet approved (if one is required) by 2-, 4- or 6-digit Department ID for any particular billing cycle. The security for this report works the same as PCard by Dept ID in that it will show any cards that you have OUC security for with the role PCard Approver. Additionally, it will reflect how many transactions were on the statement, how many have images, how many do not have images, what step is pending in the process and who are the approvers for that step.
Procurement Dashboard
The Procurement Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that allows departments to visualize and analyze spending according to specific commodity areas (except for payroll) and across all payment types.
Guidance on how to drill down data can be located in the Procurement Dashboard Instructions.

HUB Dashboard
The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Dashboard is a data visualization tool that tracks NC State’s quarterly spending with minority, women-owned and economically disadvantaged businesses.
You can learn more about the HUB programĀ here. Encourage your suppliers to register with the HUB office!