Purchase Requirements
Expenditures for honorariums must be for payments to professionals for services rendered where custom or propriety forbid the setting of fees. An honorarium is considered a payment or reward where the primary interest is to confer distinction on, or to symbolize respect, esteem or admiration for the recipient.
Acquisition of products or services on behalf of the university requires approval before the purchase is made. Approval is secured by using the NC State MarketPlace, the procurement card (PCard), or a requisition/purchase order. (See How to Buy for purchasing methods.)
Approved purchasing processes ensure that all approvals are properly documented, the university receives the lowest overall cost, and meets the requirements of university policy, State and Federal Codes, and funding source guidelines. All purchases must be appropriate for university use from a legally qualified supplier.
Confirming orders issued to suppliers or reimbursements made to an employee for an unauthorized purchase can be denied based on:
- Use of an illegal or debarred supplier.
- The purchase is judged to be inappropriate for university use.
Process: The process for an unauthorized purchase depends on the dollar amount of the original purchase, what was purchased, if an employee used personal funds to make a purchase or if a supplier performed on a request for products or services without a purchase order.
Employee reimbursements or confirming supplier orders, $4,999 or less | 1) Initiate a Financial System voucher to reimburse the employee or pay the supplier. 2) Clearly define the item purchased and business purpose in the description field of the voucher data entry page. 3) Print the bar coded voucher cover page. 4) Scan bar coded voucher cover page and the original itemized payment receipt or supplier invoice to the financial system. 5) The receipt should indicate the name of the person being reimbursed. |
Employee reimbursements or confirming supplier orders, above $5,000.00 | 1) Initiate a Financial System confirming requisition. 2) Include a detailed item description and the business purpose of the purchase. 3) Scan the supplier invoice or itemized receipt and add the PDF file it as an attachment to the requisition. 4) Indicate that the requisition is confirming by checking the “confirming order” box on the requisition data entry page. |
Under certain conditions, if approved by Procurement Services, certain goods and services may be purchased without competitive bidding. A memo provided by the requester (select this link to view the memo template or this link to make an editable copy of the template) must be based on one of the reasons listed below, which are contained in the NC Administrative Code and based on your funding source.
State Uniform Guidance
- Cases where the purchase falls between $5,000 and $29,000;
- Where performance or price competition are not available;
- Where a needed product or service is available from only one source of supply;
- Where emergency or pressing need is indicated;
- Where competition has been solicited (by Procurement Services) but no satisfactory offers received;
- Where standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration;
- Where a donation predicates the source of supply;
- Where personal or particular professional services are required;
- Where a particular medical product or service, or prosthetic appliance is needed;
- Where a product or service is needed for the blind or severely disabled and there are overriding considerations for its use;
- Where additional products or services are needed to complete an ongoing job or task;
- Where products are bought for “over the counter” resale;
- Where a particular product or service is desired for educational, training, experimental, developmental or research work;
- Where equipment is already installed, connected and in service, and it is determined advantageous to purchase it;
- Where items are subject to rapid price fluctuation or immediate acceptance;
- Where there is evidence of resale price maintenance or other control of prices, lawful or unlawful, or collusion on the part of companies that thwarts normal competitive procedures;
- Where the amount of the purchase is too small to justify soliciting competition or where a purchase is being made and a satisfactory price is available from a previous contract;
- Where the requirement is for an authorized cooperative project with another governmental unit(s) or a charitable non-profit organization(s);
- Where a used item(s) is available on short notice and subject to prior sale.
Effective July 1, 2018, all purchases using federal grant money must follow updated federal procurement requirements. The intent of the new federal requirements is to increase competition and transparency in the procurement process.
The uniform guidance has limited the use of sole source purchases to four distinct justifications. The most significant change to the sole source section of the uniform guidance is that “continuity of research” is no longer an acceptable sole source.
The four justifications are:
- Product/service is only available from a single source
- Public Emergency Procurement
- Federal Awarding Agency Authorization (the awarding agency specifically authorizes a non-competitive procurement after a written request from the non-federal entity)
- Inadequate competition after solicitation of multiple sources
These changes will result in increased scrutiny of all sole source justifications. For more information, click here.
Unique Purchases
Any department who has a travel need for a group of people. This may include departments who schedule field trips for students, taking the band to perform at football games or providing services for a group or individual(s) to travel between locations on or off campus.
Travel needs that fall under the $5,000 threshold may be processed and payment rendered using a voucher. Only supplier that have met the university’s insurance requirements may be used. Please see “List of Approved Suppliers” below. If the supplier requires signing of an agreement of any kind, you must send this to Contract Management under Procurement Services to be reviewed for signature. Do not sign any type of agreement without consulting Procurement Services.
Any request for services over $5,000 must be processed by entering a purchase requisition into the Financial System. However, within Procurement Services, there are now new streamlined steps for processing requisitions between $5,000 and $25,000. Once Procurement Services receives a college/division approved requisition in this dollar range and with the required supporting documentation attached, a purchase order can be issued to the selected vendor within 2 to 3 business days. Requisition documentation requirements include, but are not limited to, a supplier’s quote and a memo requesting a waiver of the competitive bidding process. For purchases of $25k and above, Procurement Services will seek competitive bids and issue a purchase order for services.
III. LIST OF APPROVED SUPPLIERS (with demonstrated university insurance requirements)
ABC World Charters
125 Timber Drive Suite 102
Garner, NC 27529
Phone: (919) 307-4505
Email: info@abcbusnc.com
Web: www.abcbusnc.com/
Academy Bus
2020 S Briggs Ave.
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (800) 222-4793 or (919) 688-1230
Fax: (919) 688-5305
Email: csmith@academybus.com
Web: www.academybus.com
All Aboard America
230 S. Country Club Dr.
Mesa, Arizona
Phone: (800) 848-4728
Fax: (480) 222-6961
Email: sales@allaboardamerica.com
Web: www.allaboardamerica.com
AT&T Charter Service
10 Jilden Dr.
Louisburg, NC 27549
Phone: (800) 826-6521
Email: abtours99@aol.com
Web: www.attcoach.com
Blue Diamond Transportation
6512-A Chapel Hill Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: (919) 772-9595
Fax: (919) 772-9509
Email: info@bluediamondus.com
Burke International Tours
PO Box 890
Newton, NC 28658
Phone: (828) 465-3900
Email: charters@burkechristiantours.com
Web: http://www.burkechristiantours.com/
Busco, dba Arrow Stage LInes, dba Corporate Transportation ‘N Tours
4220 South 52nd St
Omaha, NE 68117
Phone: (402) 738-3235
Email: zachary.long@arrowstagelines.com
Web: www.arrowstagelines.com
Carolina Livery
2913 New Raleigh Highway
Durham, NC 27703
Phone: (919) 957-1111
Fax: (919) 957-0411
Email: carvanbus@carolinalivery.net
Web: www.carolinalivery.com
Champion Coach Inc
145 Ben Hamby Lane
Greenville, SC 29615
Phone: (800) 583-7668
Fax: (864) 284-9400
Email: charter@championcoach.com
Web: www.championcoach.com
Ecostyle Transportation
1312-117 Kirkland Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: (919) 890.3839
Email: info@ecostyleusa.com
Web: www.ecostyleusa.com
Emma Bus Line Company LLC
1 Stoner Road
Asheville, NC 28803
Phone: (828) 274-5719
Fax: (828) 274-5521
Email: emmabuslineinc@bellsouth.net
Web: www.emmabusline.com
First Student, Inc.
600 Vine Street, Ste 1400
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: (855-272-3222
Email: atlanticcharterquotes@firstgroup.com
Web: www.firstcharterbus.com
Holiday Tours
10367 Randleman Rd
Randleman, NC 27317
Phone: (336) 733-9011
Fax: (336) 498-2204
Email: charterreq@trustholiday.com
Web: www.trustholiday.com
James River Bus Lines: VIP & Celebrity Limousines Inc
915 North Allen Avenue
Richmond, VA 23220
Phone: (804) 342-7300
Fax: (804) 342-7373
Email: lbrockwell@JamesRiverTrans.com
Web: www.JamesRiverTrans.com
McIlwain Charters & Tours
1551 Ferndale Ave.
Johnstown, PA 15905
Phone: (814) 288-2287
Email: nate@mcilwaincharters.com
Web: www.mcilwaincharters.com, www.mcilwainbus.com
Regal Coach Lines/D&J Coach Tours
251 East 95th Street, #625
Chicago, IL 60619
Phone: (773) 994-0202
Fax: (773) 994-0302
Email: Charters@RegalCoachLines.com
Web: www.regalcoachlines.com
Southern Express
1300 E Pettigrew St.
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 682-8767
Fax: (919) 688-1648
Email: jackie@southernexpress.com
Web: www.southernexpress.com
T.R.Y. Inc dba Young’s Transportation
843 Riverside Dr.
Asheville NC 28804
Phone: (828) 258-0084
Phone: (800) 622-5444
Email: melissa@youngtransportation.com
Web: www.youngtransportation.com
Venture Tours, Inc.
600 S Military Highway
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: (757) 494-1480
Email: liz@venturebustours.com
Web: https://www.venturebustours.com/
Village Travel, LLC
4255 N Ridge Rd
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: (316) 721-4455
Email: l.vinsonhaler@govillagetravel.com
Web: www.govillagetravel.com
- Number of people traveling
- Destination
- Departure and Return Dates
- Special equipment needs: VCR, restrooms, galley, meeting space, etc.
- If an overnight trip is required – who will pay for driver’s room and who will make arrangements for driver’s reservations
COVERAGE: During the term of the contract, the contractor, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide commercial insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. At a minimum, the contractor shall provide and maintain the following coverage and limits:
WORKER’S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY: The contractor shall provide and maintain worker’s compensation insurance, as required by the laws of North Carolina, to also include employer’s liability coverage with minimum limits of $500,000.00, covering all contractor’s employees who are engaged in any work under the scope of this contract. If any work is subcontracted, the contractor shall require the subcontractor to provide the same coverage for any of his employees engaged in any work under the contract.
COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy must include contractual coverage. Policy limits will be:
- $1,000,000 Per Occurrence
- $1,000,000 Aggregate
- $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury
AUTOMOBILE – Automobile Liability Insurance: Limits required will be $5,000,000 per occurrence as required by the Federal Motor Carriers Act. Coverage must include the uninsured motorists/underinsured motorists coverage.
***NC State University must be named as additional insured on the auto liability policy.***
**This should be listed as: NC State University, c/o Procurement & Business Services Department, Campus Box 7212, Raleigh, NC 27695.**
REQUIREMENTS: Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the contractor and is of the essence of this contract. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the commissioner of insurance to do business in North Carolina. The contractor shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies, and all requirements of the insurer under any of such insurance policies, except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or this contract. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by the contractor shall not be interpreted as limiting the contractor’s liability and obligations under the contract.
It is agreed that the coverage as stated shall not be canceled or changed until thirty (30) days after written notice of such termination or alteration has been sent by registered mail to Procurement Services at NC State University. SUBCONTRACTING: While conducting business with a university department, the contractor may not subcontract any charter bus service to another vendor or subcontractor without first obtaining permission from the university. Same insurance requirements of the contractor shall apply to any subcontracted charter bus service with proof of such insurance to be provided to the university for pre-approval.
For limousines/sedans, the following insurance requirements are advised :
MOTOR VEHICLE (AUTOMOBILE) LIABILITY INSURANCE: Minimum Combined Single Coverage Limits of no less than $1,500,000 per occurrence when transporting 15 (Fifteen) or less passengers per insured vehicle. Minimum Combined Single Coverage Limits of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence when transporting 15 or more passengers per insured vehicle.
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, the university shall be included as an “Additional Insured” as to the operations and conduct of the supplier as the “Named Insured.” Please have this listed on the COI as: NC State University, Procurement Services, Campus Box 7212, Raleigh NC 27695.
GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: Minimum Combined Single Coverage Limits of no less than $500,000 per occurrence.
WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Coverage Limits in accordance and where required by North Carolina General Statutes. Evidence of such insurance coverage shall be provided to Procurement Services prior to any business operations with the university.
- NC State Procurement Services posts all quotes/bids with an anticipated dollar value over $25,000 on the North Carolina electronic Vendor Portal (eVP). Purchases under $25,000 can be purchased directly by campus departments without being competitively bid.
- Suppliers who are not registered on this site may do so at any time. Suppliers who are registered on the state’s eVP website receive an automatic email notification when a quote/bid is posted for their registered commodity code. It is the supplier’s responsibility to visit eVP and to obtain a copy of the quote/bid. Quotes/bids should be read in their entirety and all pricing, responses and documentation filled out and returned as requested in the document, to Procurement Services by the date and time stated.
Each time a supplier responds to quotes/bids for chartered services they must either verify with Procurement Services that a current certificate of insurance is on file or include the certificate of insurance in their quote/bid packet. This will remain the supplier’s responsibility to verify or provide this information. If there is a question regarding whether your certificate of insurance is on file, you should contact the purchasing agent listed on the quote/bid. Suppliers should NOT assume that a current certificate of insurance is on file with Procurement Services. Quotes/bids will be rejected if current certificates of insurance are not on file or not received with the quote/bid packet. NC State Procurement Services accepts no responsibility for inadequate insurance documentation. - The Charter Bus Supplier Approved List is maintained primarily for NC State departments requiring services below the dollar amount required for formal competition. This alleviates the department having to verify insurance every time service is required. Suppliers may be added to the list in one of two ways. When a formal quote response is received from a supplier with the required certificate of insurance meeting NC State University’s insurance requirements, that supplier will automatically be added to the list. A supplier may also be added at any time by supplying the Procurement Services with proof of the required insurance and requesting to be added.
- It is the supplier’s responsibility to maintain the coverage minimums as stated above and to have NC State named as additional insured on the auto liability policy. This ensures that the insurance company will send NC State Procurement Services any termination notices and new or renewed policies automatically.
Suppliers whose insurance policies expire will be removed from the Approved Supplier list. If a new policy is received and confirmed by NC State’s Risk Management department to have all of the required insurance coverage, the vendor will be added back to the Approved Supplier List. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that coverage minimums (as defined above in Section V) are reflected on the insurance form, and that the form is on file with Procurement Services.
For questions regarding Chartered Services, contact Blain Woods at 919-515-6885 or jbwoods@ncsu.edu.
- As per the division of Purchase and Contract Purchasing Manual, “Competition is the cornerstone around which public contracting is built. In its best form, it is a mirror of a free and open economy. N.C.’s purchasing program is built on the principle of competitive bidding. Where it is not sought or obtained, the reason must be valid and must be documented.”
- Writing and design services: There are no state contracts for writing or design services. Competition is to be sought whenever possible, and the process is administered by Procurement Services if the project cost is $5,000 and above.
However, Procurement Services acknowledges the difficulty associated with bidding on these services. A department is permitted to recommend a justifiable sole source. Each sole source recommendation is evaluated based on merit. Departments are encouraged to work with suppliers to ensure the selection process works satisfactorily. Discussion between suppliers and the department is expected to cover areas of content, format, scheduling, pricing and any other issues pertinent to the needs of the department. When the department nears the end of this process and is ready to formalize the decision, Procurement Services is to be notified and will send the supplier a Request for Quote (RFQ). To start this process, the department must enter a requisition and attach the sole source justification memo (on department letterhead, signed and dated), along with the supplier quote (which is to include details of the project and how to be charged, supplier contact information: name, fax # or email).
NOTE: Printing is considered a separate project from writing and design and must not be included in this process. The printing portion must be bid separately. - Printing services: There are no state contracts for printing services, nor is sole sourcing of printing services to a supplier allowed. All printing and related services (die-cutting, foil stamping, prepress, binding, shipping costs, etc.) totaling $5,000 and above, including delivery costs, must be
competitively bid by Procurement Services. Departments may procure these services at the department level if the total delivered cost is under $5,000. - Purchase of pre-printed materials: The purchase of already printed materials, copyrighted and/or published newspapers, books, pamphlets, maps, charts, etc., are not part of these printing procedures. Departments should use normal purchasing procedures for these commodities (use special category code 99926 to pay on a small purchase voucher).
- Credit for work performed: Acknowledging and/or endorsing any design or printing work that is performed by private enterprise is NOT allowed on any state publication. Credit may be given to other state agencies only.
- State of N.C. Correction Enterprise: Printing and photocopying services may be procured from the State Printing Office, which is a division of Purchase and Contract, at 1-800-241-0124. Departments may work directly with Correction Enterprises to procure quotes for these services. There is no dollar limitation or required review/approval process to use them, as they are a state agency (pay for these services using category code 99918 on a small purchase voucher). If a department obtains a quote from Correction Enterprise and still wants Procurement Services to competitively bid the job, they may request this.
Correction Enterprise is prohibited from participating in the formal bid process. The department must make the decision to use Correction
Enterprise prior to the bid opening date in Procurement Services. The department cannot compare a Correction Enterprise bid to the Procurement Services bids in order to make the decision. - The quote/bid process: Procurement Services must receive an approved requisition for the print job(s). Specifications must be sent to Procurement Services. Procurement Services can not begin the quote/bid process until these items are received. Bids may be written for one job or multiple print jobs. The bid will provide specifications for each print job with an estimated delivery time required.
- Contract term: Bids can be for one printing or for a contract term of one year or more. This must be stated in the specifications (contract term example: one year with the option to renew for two additional one year periods, not to exceed three years). This enables the department to work with one supplier for their printing projects over a period of time. This does not lock the department into a three year agreement, as it is renewable year to year, or job to job. This is an option the department must ask for at the time of requisition submission.
- Lead times: Departments must plan for the bid development process to take three to five days plus an additional 14 calendar days for the bid advertisement. Bids are posted on the State of NC Purchase and Contract website. Once the supplier bids are received, Procurement Services reviews them and sends them to the department for their review. Upon completion of the review, the department returns the
original bids with the recommendation for award memo. A purchase order is then issued to the awarded supplier. Production time for printing then has to be added to the time above. All of this must be taken into account when planning the print job’s required delivery date. - Paid advertising: Whenever paid advertising appears in a university publication, the publication becomes exempt from the requirements of the Administrative Code and the Division of Purchase and Contract. However, prudent purchasing procedures must be followed and the purchase is still guided by the university’s procurement program.
- Required specifications: Departments must provide the following information (a template can be provided to you):
> Item name: (examples: brochure, form, book, title, etc.)
> Quantity: How many do you need? Will you pay for overages, if so, what percentage? You may ask for multiple quantities, if the final count is not known, and/or if budget is a factor.
> Size: Finished page size and flat page size is needed.
> Pages: Page count ( includes cover or plus cover). You may ask for optional pricing for different page counts, if needed for budget reasons, etc.
> Construction: Are there folds or perforations, etc., if so how many, where located and folded to what size? etc.
> Format: How will this be given to the printer?; MacIntosh, Indesign,etc.
> Bleeds: Are there any on the cover or the text?
> Ink: Colors for cover and text; any special coating, coverage?
> Proofs: What kind do you require, blueline, matchprint, digital, hard copy? etc.
> Press check: Do you require a press check at the supplier’s printing location; if so how many people will attend this?
> Stock: Provide the stock name, weight, color for cover and text. We are required to give suppliers the option of quoting equivalent stock, and the state encourages departments to ask for recycled paper stock. If the supplier quotes equivalent stock, they have to provide the quoted stock samples with their quote response. You can accept the equivalent stock quoted or not, based on acceptable quality and weight, etc.
Print samples are required: If very specific samples are needed, be specific as to what you want provided by the printer. Otherwise, we ask for equivalent print samples to that being quoted.
> Packaging: How do you want this delivered to you; boxed, no more than a specific weight; labeled with dept. name and/or quantity, shrink wrapped on pallets? etc.
> Delivery turnaround: When will job be ready for the printer; when do you need the job to be delivered?, etc. - Statement of recycled paper required on public documents: Whenever a public document is published and printed on recycled stock, the document shall contain a printed statement or symbol indicating that the document was printed on recycled paper.
- Cost statement requirements for printing: G.S. 143-170.1 (a) states that every agency publishing a public document, other than one published for the principal purpose of sale to the public, shall have the following statement printed adjacent to the identification of the agency responsible for the publication. For purposes of the cost statement, a public document is generally designed to be distributed to non-state employees. The wording on the statement should be: (number of copies) copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $ XX or $ XX per copy. The cost of a publication includes the following:
- Identifiable design cost: This is the cost charged to the department for design service, but should not include the cost of a department’s internal staff time and effort.
- Printing: Total cost of production, to include prepress, printing, binding, shipping, etc. The cost statement is required regardless of who does the printing. When supplying camera ready copies to the printer the accrued cumulative cost must be presented to the printer so it may be calculated into the cost statement.
NC State University is licensed to purchase, use, transfer and dispose of radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices. The purchase of all radioactive materials or radiation producing devices must be approved through Radiation Safety. Examples of radioactive materials include unsealed radioisotopes and sealed sources such as electron capture devices or nuclear gauges. Examples of radiation-producing devices include all x-ray units and x-ray generating equipment such as electron microscopes. When in doubt that an item is radioactive or covered under radiation-producing devices, contact Radiation Safety.
Processing Requirement
Radioactive materials or devices may be ordered using the non-PO process, the PCard program or the requisition process. Regardless of the method of purchase, all radioactive chemical/material sources or emitting devices must be delivered to Radiation Safety unless otherwise specified by the Radiation Safety Officer. A request for radioactive materials or devices must have the approval of Radiation Safety prior to purchase processing.
The Financial System has a special category established for radioactive material or device purchases (999RA). Campus users are instructed to enter a small purchase voucher or a purchase requisition, with the special category 999RA as the identifier, for all radioactive material or device purchases. Regardless of the method of purchase, all radioactive chemical/material purchases must be delivered to Radiation Safety at the Environmental Health and Safety Center Building. A request for radioactive materials or devices must have the approval of Radiation Safety prior to purchase.
All orders for radioisotopes are shipped as follows: ATTN: N Couch/(PI’s name), NC State University, Radiation Safety, 114 Environmental Health and Safety Center, Sullivan Drive (behind Admin. Bldg.), Raleigh, NC, 27606. This address defaults to the purchase requisition/order when using the system code 210_00114. Radiation Safety will receive, inspect, and deliver the shipment to the campus user. A blanket purchase order may be established with a vendor for a specific radioisotope and dollar amount. This blanket purchase order request is initially approved by Radiation Safety and is then routed to Procurement Services for processing. A copy of the blanket purchase order document is sent to the campus end user (PI) to facilitate ordering. When a radioisotope is needed it is “released” against the blanket purchase order number. The end user must fax the request to Radiation Safety prior to placing the order.
Once approval is given by Radiation Safety the end user is authorized to call the vendor to place the order, using the blanket purchase order number. The radioisotope is then delivered to Radiation Safety for inspection and delivery. Suppliers are instructed to deliver only to the Radiation Safety at the Environmental Health and Safety Center, and not directly to individual campus locations. As mentioned above, Radiation Safety will perform the required package inspection and deliver to the user. Information that must be included on the initial blanket purchase requisition includes:
- PI’s name
- Department
- Requested radioisotope(s)
- Effective dates
- Maximum release amount desired
- Total dollar value of each isotope.
- The following statement:
ATTN: N Couch [PI’s name], NC State University, Radiation Safety, 114
Environmental Health and Safety Center, Sullivan Drive (behind Admin Bldg.), Raleigh, NC 27606
If any of the above items are not included, the purchase order will not be approved and will be recycled.
All radioisotope purchases must follow the procedures outlined above. They are in place to comply with State requirements and ensure tracking and accountability of radioisotopes. To protect all users of radioisotopes on campus, an end user may lose the authorization to purchase radioisotopes if these procedures are not followed or the University’s program is jeopardized in any way.
For more information please visit Environmental Health & Safety Radiation Safety page.