Virtual Payables for Suppliers

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What if I can not accept a credit card post invoicing?
If you can not accept payment after an invoice has been issued, you are not eligible to participate in the Virtual Payables platform. It is recommended that you enroll in the second preferred payment method, Paymode-X.
Q2: How do I receive the credit card information?
During the onboarding process you will be asked if you can store the card on file. If you select yes, then you will receive a secure welcome email from Bank of America with the credit card number and expiration date to store in your system. If you select no, the credit card number and expiration date will be sent with each remittance advice. If you require the CVV code, please email and the Virtual Payables Administrator will contact you.
Q3: Are there any fees for accepting credit card as the payment method?
Normal credit card processing fees suppliers pay to their merchant bank apply. Please see your credit card processor for details.
Q4: Can I charge a credit card processing fee?
If your organization charges a fee in addition to the invoice amount, you can not enroll in Virtual Payables.
Q5: When can I expect payment?
Payments are dispersed via the bank on Tuesdays and Thursdays once approved by the campus department. To inquire about payment for a specific invoice, please contact the customer who placed the order.
Q6: How do I take payment once the remittance advice is received?
Payment should be processed on the supplier side via the normal credit card processing within 72 hours of receiving the remittance advice.
Q7: What if the remittance advice does not match the invoice amount?
Payment can only be taken for the exact amount listed on the remittance advice. Any other attempted amount will be declined. If there are any discrepancies between supplier invoice amount and remittance amount, please email immediately with invoice details.
Q8: What if my processor has a monetary limit and I cannot process payment for the exact amount listed?
Please email and our Virtual Payments Administrator can adjust your profile at the bank to allow the payment to go through.
Contact Us
Have a question that’s not listed here? Please contact the Virtual Payments Administrator at