Procurement & Business Services is excited to unveil the very first virtual MarketPlace Expo in January 2021!
The annual MarketPlace Expo is going virtual! Because we cannot be together in person this year, the
MarketPlace team in Procurement & Business Services is creating a new website for our NC State
customers and our MarketPlace supplier representatives to come together. You’ll have the opportunity to
learn interesting details about all the MarketPlace suppliers – company histories, product lines, upcoming
deals and exciting new offerings. You will also have a chance to ask the suppliers specific questions about
your department’s projects and needs.
Of course there will be give-aways and PRIZES! But you must register on the MarketPlace Expo website.
You can rack up points for every supplier video you watch. Your chances to WIN will increase with every
video you watch.
This virtual format will allow you to attend the MarketPlace Expo when you are available and watch supplier
videos when you have the time. Be on the lookout for more information from the MarketPlace team.